Summer is the perfect time to learn and to have fun!

Central Language Hub is the best place to learn a language and to make friends!

Due to COVID-19, our courses will be conducted online until the end of June

1st Graders Program /complete beginners or basic knowledge/

Length: 9-12 every day from Monday-Friday, monthly or weekly courses, June-July.

The kids are divided into groups according to their age and level. 

These are the first steps for young learners and our main goal is to raise their interest in the language. How can we achieve that? Through games, crafts, art and music, the children master their skills and learn the language in a way which is natural and fun. 

What does our daily routine look like?:

  • Arrival: 9:00 o’clock
  • First class: 9:15-10:00 o’clock
  • Snack in the park: 10:00-10:30
  • Second class: 10:35-11:10
  • Break time: 11:10-11:20 
  • Third class: 11:20-12:00

Friday is always the day for outings – we play ball games, twister, do scavenger hunts, have picnics on the hills, visit a market and do some shopping in English, visit the Old City of Plovdiv or another place of interest. All activities are conducted in English and the children prepare for the outings based on the skills taught that week. 

  • Reading skills: At this age we study the letters and their sounds, and start reading simple words and sentences.
  • Vocabulary: family, home, the clock, the classroom objects, places in the city, animals, fruit and vegetables, clothes, weather, action verbs etc.
  • Communicative skills: introducing yourself, expressing likes and dislikes, talking about daily routines, asking for and giving directions etc.

CLH native speakers help the kids with their pronunciation, listening and communicative skills. In this way our young learners begin to make short dialogues in different everyday situations very quickly.

2-4 graders /beginners/

Our goal is to motivate the kids, increase their knowledge and boost their confidence. We use a variety of interesting and creative activities such as role plays or wordgames, that allow the children to use their imagination. 

What does our daily routine look like?:

  • Arrival: 9:00 o’clock
  • First class: 9:15-10:00 o’clock
  • Snack in the park: 10:00-10:30
  • Second class: 10:35-11:10
  • Break time: 11:10-11:20 
  • Third class: 11:20-12:00

Friday is always the day for outings – we play ball games, twister, do scavenger hunts, have picnics on the hills, visit a market and do some shopping in English, visit the Old City of Plovdiv or another place of interest. All activities are conducted in English and the children prepare for the outings based on the skills taught that week. 

The lesson plans are designed according to the level of the kids. The focus is communication and practice! Our native speakers, who are from Canada and Great Britain, help our young learners in their summer adventure! Kids do projects, play games, do quizzes, pair work and team work and build up their confidence in a very natural way.

Language Objectives

  • There is/there are, 
  • Present Simple Tense (I eat breakfast everyday)
  • Present Continuous Tense (I am eating breakfast right now)
  • Future tense (I will eat breakfast tomorrow),
  • Comparisons (I am older/younger than my brother)
  • Modal verbs (can, could, may, might…)
  • Quantifiers (some, a few, many)
  • Plural nouns (bus – busses, child – children)
  • …. and more!

Communicative Objectives:

Every Week a different topic is studied – hobbies, sport, food, jobs etc. Kids learn how to talk about :

  • What animals can and cannot do
  • Seasons, clothes, senses, 
  • Healthy lifestyle, food, sports and safety
  • Likes and Dislikes + reasons why
  • Their responsibilities at home and at school
  • Family relations
  • Life in the past
  • …and more!

5-12 graders

Length: 2 weeks, every day from 10-12 or 13-15, /June, July/

The focus of these courses is SPEAKING! Teens communicate only in English in combination with qualified and experienced native speakers and Bulgarian teachers.

The classes are designed according to the age and level of the students. We use a variety of topics which are interesting and engaging – fashion, movies, music, films, love and friendship, lifestyle etc.

Students not only learn how to express themselves freely and confidently in English, but they also work on their creativity and communicative skills, which will be useful in the future. 

How do we achieve that?

  • Games – problem solving, wordgames
  • Projects – working on interesting topics, teens are given the opportunity to develop their presentation skills as well as computer-based knowledge and spelling.
  • Teamwork – they love races which involve their imagination, competitiveness and the desire to win!
  • Pair work – working with others helps both students to master the language and feel comfortable 
  • Discussions – students practise critical thinking and build up confidence.
  • Roleplays – creating different situations, practicing key vocabulary and grammar

 All language skills are practiced and improved:

  • Listening skills – watching videos, listening to podcasts, conversations with native speakers.
  • Reading skills – increase vocabulary, correct pronunciation is very important and can be corrected when reading texts, and comprehension is assessed.
  • Writing – some of the tasks require writing short texts to assess comprehension and language output.
  • Speaking – gaining confidence to speak fluently on a variety of topics

We know that it’s summer and teens expect to have fun, so we incorporate entertaining learning programs. For example, we have outings to different places in the city and students pretend they are foreigners. The idea is to escape from the typical classroom environment and at the same time ensure our students are acquiring new skills.

The summer academy at Central Language Hub is the perfect place to meet new people and to make friends while practicing the language in a different and amusing way!

Call us today for more information at +359 88 8938242 or write us a message.


Megan Maginniss


Megan was born and raised in Toronto, Canada. Megan graduated Sociology at Wilfrid Laurier University and obtained a certificate for Teaching English as a Foreign Language from the University of Toronto.

Dessislava Iovtcheva


Dessislava Iovtcheva graduated from English philology and Ethnology at Plovdiv University in 1999.

Silvia Alexieva


Silvia completed her education in America. She graduated from Saint Petersburg Junior College, Florida in 2007. After that she came back to Bulgaria and started teaching English language to children and adults.



Boryana holds a bachelor's degree in applied linguistics from the University of Veliko Tarnovo. She studied languages at the Free University of Brussels and was a lecturer in foreign languages, participating in various volunteer projects.

For more information